What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means vortex or spinning wheel.

There are hundreds of chakras all over the body but most well known are the seven main chakras.

The 7 main chakras are located within the physical body and form a firm foundation for the alchemy enchantress chakra system by merging along your spinal column.

The 7 chakras are ruled by the organs but are energy centres and are not confined to a specific location whereas organs have defined locations.

Energetic information flows up and down the chakras.

Our chakra system reflects every level of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves.

As within, so without means the outer world that we experience is a reflection of our inner selves. Through understanding our inner selves we can make positive changes to our lives and the way we experience the world around us. Therefore, it is useful to understand how our chakras work and how to keep maintain them.

The 7 main chakras are the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Of the 7 the upper 3 chakras are more connected to our spiritual aspects.

The heart chakra is the centre of our being and brings balance between our spiritual and human aspects.

The lower 3 chakras are more related to our human aspects.

The 12 chakra system actually consists of 13 chakras 0-12.

The higher chakras directly connect us to source, universal consciousness, divine beings, and other realms.

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